In the summer of 2021, producer Charles Van Kirk embarked on an extraordinary journey, cycling 3,900 miles across the United States from Maine to Oregon. Equipped with a Zoom H6 recorder, he captured the diverse and stunning soundscape of America through fourteen states, compiling thousands of unique sounds along the way. This monumental two-part sound pack brings the highlights of this journey to you, offering an immersive experience of the American landscape like never before
Tune Crafter –
Just finished watching this amazing video series of biking across the US – so inspiring and informative!
Beat Engineer –
I really enjoyed the detailed maps and helpful tips for planning my cross-country bike trip – would definitely recommend to others!
Olivia Miller –
This DVD was an incredible journey through America on two wheels, loved every minute of it and can’t wait for Vol 2!
Madison Ross –
The content was inspiring and informative, but the video quality could have been better.
Bassline Pro –
I absolutely loved this documentary, it was so inspiring and beautifully shot. Would highly recommend to anyone who loves biking!
Carter Bailey –
I thoroughly enjoyed the engaging content and beautiful scenery captured in this DVD, making me want to plan my own cross-country cycling adventure.
Beat Engineer –
I absolutely loved the stunning scenery and helpful tips for my bike trip across the country, definitely worth it!
Track Master –
This bike journey guidebook was a lifesaver on my trip – highly recommended!